Thierry Nerrière carpenter in Saint Jean d'Aulps near Morzine

Menuiserie NERRIEREcarries out all the types of work related to the roof :

Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74Menuiserie NERRIERE carries out all the types of work related to the roof :

  • terracotta tiles
  • steel trough
  • ardogres
  • shingles
  • slates
  • asphalted panels

We offer a large choice of finishes, not only concerning the roofing elements but also in terms of cladding :

  • skylights
  • drainpipes
  • gutterings
  • habergasse
  • laggings

For zinc roofing, we mainly use zinc, copper, steel and prepainted.

We also install under-roof insulation as well as in window and roof under-frames.

Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74 Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74
Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74 Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74
Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74 Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74
Cladding of a panelled chimney Terracotta tiles – copper guttering
Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74 Joinery and Carpentry in Haute Savoie 74
Roofing shingles Cover slates of Brazil

Le Moulin de la Perry 74430 Saint Jean d'Aulps   -    Phone./fax : 04 50 79 50 43    -    Mobile : 06 20 01 24 57   -

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